Inigo, Fezzik & Vizzini

Rehomed by LJ & Gareth We adopted these three rats at the end of November 2018. They were quite shy at first, especially Vizzini, who wouldn’t even let us touch her. But soon they relaxed into their new home and became playful and friendly. At first we made a pen for them to play in, […]

Rehomed by Jeremy I adopted Gertie in 2009 and as I write this she is sleeping on the sofa next to me. She most definitely took control of the house when she moved in and life revolves around her meal times. Even if that’s getting up at 5am to give her breakfast! I found Gerts […]
Sophie & Ted

Rehomed by The Hillary/Wiltshire Family Since losing our beloved Jack the Labrador after 13 wonderful years we needed to fill the void his passing left in our lives and were thrilled to be able to adopt Sophie & Ted, two adorable Shih Tzu’s. It certainly was “love at first sight!” They settled in with no […]