Give us a call today to book or view our Rabbit Units!
01329 666 918
To secure your booking, a 50% deposit will be required within 7 days
Boarding Information:
Our boarding fee is £12 per night, for two rabbits sharing including VAT with no hidden extras. A single rabbit is £9 per night, including VAT.
Rabbits must be admitted or collected between 11am and 4pm.
Rabbits will only be admitted to the rabbit unit if a valid inoculation certificate for Myxomatosis, Viral Hemorrhagic Disease (VHD Strain 1 and 2), is produced upon admission.
We cannot admit rabbits who have not been vaccinated against both of these diseases than two full weeks prior to admission, as this is a live vaccine and can be transmitted to other rabbits at our animal shelter. Upon veterinary advice, rabbits that have only homeopathic inoculations will not be admitted.
What is Included:
- A staff member is onsite 24 hours a day.
- Daily socialisation and access to fresh green vegetables.
- Heated inside unit and access to an outside run.
- The unit has a deep clean before your rabbit comes in and then cleaned daily.
- We can accommodate all breeds and sizes.
- We can house more than 2 rabbits from the same family in the same unit, depending on the size and how many.
- We can provide food which is Burgess Excel – if your rabbit is on a specific diet, please bring it with you.
- We can provide bedding and toys however if you feel your rabbit would settle with their own then please bring it with them.
- We can provide enrichment which will help break up the day and make it more fun, if you are happy for us to do so.
- All our staff are fully trained and love what they do!
Any bookings made after After 1st February that take place after the 1st April will be subject to our 2025 prices. Already placed bookings will not be affected.
2025 Prices per night:
1 rabbit – £10
2 rabbits – £13