We are delighted to announce we now have a blog available on our website.
With insights from our experts and frontline staff, it will be jam packed full of all animal related information.
Your Pets at Christmas – 14/12/2023
Whilst Christmas is one of the most wonderful times of the year with lots of family time, parties and plenty of yummy food – it can be one of the most stressful times for our furry friends!
We have put together a list of hazards for you to watch out for with your pets, and also a guide on how to keep them calm during all your festive socialising! To read more click here.

Cat Behaviour: The Benefits of Enrichment – 29/11/2023
Cats are creatures of habit – most don’t stray too far from their own territories and homes. When they then come into the cattery environment, it can feel quite daunting and unpredictable to our little kitty friends.
In order to help them relax and to give them an element of security and control, we provide them with different types of environmental enrichment. To read more click here.

The Importance of Rabbit Teeth – 08/11/2023
Rabbit’s are known for their sweet little chewing and whilst it may look cute, it also serves a very important purpose.
This blog entry is all about rabbit’s teeth, why this chewing is so important and how you can help keep your bunnies teeth nice and healthy. To read more click here.

The Traffic Light System – 25/10/2023
The traffic light system protects staff, volunteers and visitors. It is also key for the welfare of the animals in our care. Within the first few days of intake the staff can process the information from previous owners, behavioural observations and a medical assessment. This information combined can allow experienced kennel staff and our onsite behaviour team to compose a behaviour and welfare plan tailored to the individual. This creates predictability and offers consistency thereby encouraging a feeling of safety for the animals at the start of their journey with us. To read more click here!

Fireworks Night – 12/10/2023
Many of our animals hate fireworks. Loud bangs and flashing lights can have them frozen with fear or panicking and jumping around in fright. It’s stressful for both the animal and pet owner alike. No-one likes to see a loved one in distress!
With November 5th nearly upon us, we have put together some tips and advice on how to keep your pets safe and calm during fireworks nights. To read more click here!